Watch out, Bodil is coming!


Meeerry Christmas time!!

I’m currently on the way home from guitar, or at least trying to; some guy in a car crashed into a tram further up the street (how do you even do that? The trams follow the stop signals pretty well … German drivers, i guess).
Anyway,  it ended up blocking the whole street (the streets here are very narrow) and I ended up getting out of my tram and walking two stops. Walked past 4 trams in a row, who also ended up blocking the way for the other trams who run diagonally over my tram route.




It was okay though,  the air was nice and fresh, although the wind was super sharp and icy … my hair was all over the place when I finally reached the tram stop by the Christkindlesmarkt.




I’m guessing it must be much worse in Denmark atm. There’s a huge storm passing over, and they named it Bodil, of all names. Maybe to have something to laugh at whilst hiding. (“GUYS, RUN, QUICK, BODIL IS COMING! )

*insert one of those Game of Thrones memes and replace the “Winter is coming” part with “Bodil is coming” * :’)
(Hey, you know,  maybe i will!)


Anyway, had a math exam Tuesday, i totally screwed it up, I’m sure, and it’s soo stupid because it wasn’t hard at all. Also had a Chemistry exam thing today, have a pretty good feel about it, but we’ll have to wait and see.


My host family is really sweet and decided to include me in their annual Advent kalender thing. Man, I only used to get Milka chocolate calenders at home… Now I’m getting fancy stuff like cotton makeup remover pads and candy. Ulala.
Haha, no, but it’s still nice 😉




Oh,  and guess what: No more tests until next year!! Yaaay!
Can’t believe that a whole year has almost passed already! Unbelievable. And I’ve been here for three months now! Although my German is still not awesome, I feel like it’s getting less cringe worthy for every day that goes by.
I’m also learning very useful phrases like sarcastic comebacks and stuff (including: “Ja, ich habe dich auch gern” and “Leck mich”). Haha 😉
Also, been watching a lot of football lately. Augsburg lost in a game against Bayern München (again!)… I kinda wanna buy my host family tickets for a big game, like as a Christmas present,  but I’m still not quite football educated enough to know what gamesmanship are cool.


On Saturday I’m going “Plätzchen backen” in the church with my host sisters. It basically baking Christmas cookies with all the little kids. I’m sure it’s going to be fun. Oh, also, it has been requested that I bake the drømmekage again. Go Danish cooking!

Have a great weekend!
Love Bianca xx


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