Rollin’ away


Throwback Tuesday (I know it’s really supposed to be thursday but whatever): My friend and I in London this summer ❤ Miss her… Happy birthday!!

Hey guys!

Stayed home from school today, cause I didn’t feel well. I’m better now, but it really made me realize how boring it is to not be in school. (Not that I particularly like school, I just miss the people there. Also, I think we got some of our tests back and I’m kinda excited to see how they turned out.)

I didn’t do much over the weekend, it was spent mostly relaxing and appreciating my free time. I went to the movies with a friend, and watched ”Fack yu Goethe” (yes, it means what you think it means – i think they were trying to write it the way they pronouce it). It’s number one on the movie hit-list here in Germany, and I’ve gotta say I really enjoyed it. (Yeah, I enjoyed a German movie!!) And I’ll tell you why: In the rest of the world, when we watch ”german movies” they’re always, ALWAYS, about Hitler, in one way or another. Especially in school, when your german teacher brings a movie to watch in class, it’s about Hitler, or the 2. World War, or about Jews, and it’s all super boring.



This movie, though. It was a nice surprise. I don’t know if I would say I learned anything from it, or if the storyline was even that great, but it was funny and I really felt like i needed to see some comedy (that wasn’t super political and intellectual) from the Germans. (I do enjoy political and intellectual comedy, it’s actually some of the best – yup, Jon Stewart – buuuut my german isn’t quite good enough to actually understand all the puns and stuff so…. )


My workarea



Keeping ’em warm in the oven


The bottle was full when i started frying ….


Other than that, I helped my host mother in her catering service this past Friday. It was pretty cool, although kinda hard to wrap and fry 260 some springrolls in 2 1/2 when you’re really just one person. (I did most of it, cause my host mom – well she hasn’t had as much experience with rolling springrolls, let’s just say that… ) Actually, whilst rolling, this lady came into the shop and saw what I was doing and was all: ”Uh, springrolls, that looks delicious, can I buy some?” And me, being basically a noob at making springrolls (compared to real chinese people), was really surprised that anyone would actually want to buy those lumps dough and veggies.

(I had to make them vegetarian cause the people we were catering for came from all over the world – some were muslims and some were jews and some were just plain old vegetarians, so my hostmom thought it was better just to make them without meat alltogether.)

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Did I mention that we were catering for a Bavarian State meeting thing? Yeah, we drove to the Ministry of Bavaria and it was really old and posh! Too bad I smelled like an asian fastfood resaturant, or I would’ve poked around a little more.


Got a super short peek into the conference room


The Bavarian, German and European flags


A veeery unclear photo of me on the fancy stairs… Sorry, my host mom isn’t used to my phone 😉

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Also while I was standing in the kitchen of the shop, rolling, I heard a customer talking to my host mom. She was just doing small talk, like usual and happened to mention that her exchange student was making springrolls in the back.

Host mom: ”Yeah, she’s Chinese and she’s excellent at making springrolls. Good to have some real professional people here, with all their now-how, you know?”

Customer: ”Oh wow, you’ve got a real Chinese person back there? Cool!”

-.- Yes we are indeed a very rare species.


Alcohol freeee!


Congrats guys!


Anyway, we also celebrated my host parents’ 25 wedding aniversary. It was nice. 25 years is a lot.

Aaaaand my friend just turned 16 yesterday. Congrats!! Your present is comiiiing!

Skyped with another friend in the weekend. It was really nice, and even though we didn’t talk about anything special, I really started missing Denmark. Well, actually more the people I left behind in Denmark. I think I’m gonna bake a cake. A real danish one. A drømmekage!! 😀

Miss you guys! Have a great vote tonight!

Tomorrow is a Bavarian-wide holiday, something about praying I think, but since this coming weekend is Cäcilia, or translated: Concerts in our school performed by the students in honor of saint Cecilia, the protector and saint for music. It’s a really big deal here. Some are going to play in the big school aula, some are going to play in ”The Golden Hall”, a concert hall in the city. My little music group and I are just going to sing at the school, but since I’m in the choir as well, we’re going to be opening and closing the whole concert (Thursday and Sunday evening) in the Golden Hall. It’s going to be pretty cool, I think. I’ll see if I can get someone to film us.


Anyway, going to bake that cake now!

Have a great evening!


Love, Bianca xx


Had some quality late night time with my host sisters, tea and mini cini’s (cinnamon flavored breakfast cereal!!)

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