
Hey people!!
What’s up?
Currently dying in the heat down here, missing Danmark’s cool summer breezes terribly! It’s been super hot the last couple of days, followed by stormy weather (thunder and lightning) during the night. Luckily I have vacation at the moment, we’ll first be going back to school in a week and a half.

So I’m just soaking up as much sun as i can,  without getting burnt (which is a minimal amount, actually … ) and trying to stay hydrated and read stuff in German. Missing people who are not here with me … can’t wait to see you again! ♥

Love and kisses
Bianca ♥

Sunny sunshine ▲▼▶

Hey guuuuys
Hope you’re all well! Just sitting in the backyard chillin’ with Max the cat and doing homework ♥ I’m loving the weather at the moment, it’s the warmest March in Bavaria ever! (It literally is, I’m not just saying so!)
When i came home the back door was open so i went outside and what do i see? My host sister, sleeping on the garden bench in the sun, curled up in a blanket like a lil’ german burrito! :’) Sweet.


Anyway, just wanted to say hi! I’ll update soon, did a lot of interesting things this past week, like going to the opera (!!!) and more! Stay tuned!

Bianca in sunny Germany 🙂

Gymnasium bei St. Stephan – My school, pt. 2

Hellooooo and welcome back to my mini-series about my school here in Germany, St. Stephan!!

(Could we get a round of applause, please?)

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Anyway, lets get to work and take a look at a typical day here at my fabulous elite school. (Haha.) (No, it really was, and still is known as an elite school).

Since I live in a part of Augsburg called Haunstetten, I take the tram every day at either 07:22 or 07:27. It takes about 22 minutes to get to school and most of the time the tram is overcrowded and you don’t get a place to sit. For me, if I do get a seat, this is a time where I will either: a) Finish some homework that I should have done yesterday, b) go over my notes i took down the last time we had the coming first period (i.e. I go over what I wrote down in the previous Geography lesson, if that’s my first period, so I’m prepared for any questions that might come my way*), c) talk to people I know who manage to squeeze themselves into the tram with me (forcing me to come out of my much enjoyed bubble of solitude and important studying)(just kidding)(no really, tram-time is me-time).

^You may have noticed I put a little star by the questions part, I’ll get back to that.

It’s obligatory to be in your classroom at 7:55 so the lesson can start exactly at 8:00. Surprisingly few people come late. Not because it’s at all accepted in Denmark to come in late … Buuuut it kinda is… They expect it in Denmark, at least. Not here.

All lessons – all of them – start by all the students standing up for the teacher. The teacher then says: ”Good morning everyone!”, and the class answers in a pretty monotone chant: ”Gooood-mooorning Mr. / Mrs. X!” and then the teacher looks exhausted because really the greeting is less cheerful than no greeting at all. Then he / she asks us to sit down, but by then we’re already seated. Then, depending on the teacher, we either listen to a 45 minute long monologue about some ”interesting matter”, whereafter they write the gist of the lesson on the blackboard, which we then copy into our notebooks (for quick read-throughs the next morning or whenever on the tram*), or we read through some stuff in our textbooks and do the exercises that go with it.



Okay, no, not all teachers are like that. We’ve actually been a super lucky class, we have so many young teachers who aren’t totally sick of their jobs yet. You can really tell the difference between someone who still finds their subjects exciting and challenging, and someone who’s held the same speech 20 years in a row now. When the teacher looses the joy of teaching, the students don’t learn anymore.

The thing about the youngsters that sucks, though, is that they’re only in the final stages of their educations, which means they only get to work at one place for half a year at the time. For us, it means having to get used to a totally new teacher (again) after we get our half-year evaluation. This also means that you have to, yet again, show this new teacher that you’re a good student and worthy of a good grade.

Normally we get this ”problem” sorted out within the first half year of our education in a new place – I’m going to do it again when I start gymnasium in Copenhagen in August – You work super hard the first couple of months, so your teachers like you (very important), and then later it’s okay if you slack a little (read: a lot) – they know what you can and most of the time it’s easier to get a good grade when they like you and have seen what you are capable of.

Anyway, let’s finally get to that star of mine… * = Okay:

In Denmark our school system is very much based on homework, I think, especially in the Gymnasium. The homework we get is mostly writing – we get big projects, and loads of them, in all subjects – several essays to hand in every week / two weeks. Basically a lot of time at home with physical evidence of what you’ve been studying.

In my German school, on the other hand, they don’t have as much homework at all. The system here is different. The teacher begins every lesson with a so called ”Ausfrage” – basically, they pick one student in class who get’s quizzed for 5-8 minutes about what we learned in their previous lesson. This means all German students do a lot of ”lernen” – which basically means learning, but that doesn’t really make sense. (Cause when students then say ”Ich muss lernen.” – I have to learn – It doesn’t quite cover it.)

”Lernen” is basically practicing, repetition, going over the stuff you have been told in school and learning it by heart. That’s it! Learning it by heart.

(I could talk for a long time about what I think of this system, and comparing it to the danish system – maybe I should do a post about that? – but I’ll just try to keep it short here.)

Since they have to do so much learning by heart for all the subjects, they get very few actual things to hand in, physically. This also means that you can also simply not do the whole learning by heart thing, cross your fingers and hope the teacher doesn’t pick you for the Ausfrage.

The teachers sort of figured that not all students do the learning by heart thing, though, so they do small, unexpected tests every now and then, called Ex’s. (It’s short for some Latin word).

The scores from the Ex’s count in your final score as well, so you really don’t want to screw them up as a student.

This post has gotten a bit long, so I’ll continue it in the next post … Talk to you later!

Love, Bianca

*Okay so I realized that ”lernen” means to study, which also makes sense. Study is a perfectly good word, but I just wanted to underline that it’s not just studying, it is really learning by heart. They write a phrase on the blackboard, you quote that exact phrase right back at them, and they give you an A.

PS. Here’s a link to my school.

Gymnasium bei St. Stephan – My School, pt. 1


As you know, I go to a German school, but I don’t think I’ve introduced you to my school properly. I’m thinking I’ll do a mini-series featuring it. (BE EXCITED!)

So people… Meet St. Stephan:




Just for you, daddy. Also, punpunpunpun because Stephen^^^^

The Gymnasium by St. Stephan, also know as Gymnasium bei St. Stephan in German, is a school located centrally in the city of Augsburg in Bavaria in Germany. Originally it was the St. Salvator school, an earlier Jesuit college, but was turned into St. Stephan Gymnasium in 1828 by King Ludwig the first. The benedictine abbey of Saint Stephan was then given the responsibility to run the school, but if I’ve understood it correctly, the ”control” was later given to the state of Bavaria, which means it’s now a public gymnasium.

Despite being a public gymnasium, the school of St. Stephan is known for being one of the elite schools around here – a Harvard of Augsburg, so to say. (Haha.) In 2009/2010 the school became one of the only eight schools in Bavaria to have a ”Hochbegabte Klasse” – a class for the specially gifted students.

To me, being recognized as extraordinarily gifted sounds pretty cool, but I know one of the girls who used to be in that class (the class for the specially gifted dissolved for some reason, I don’t exactly know why, I’ll look into it), but she is surprisingly embarrassed about having been one of the extraordinarily gifted students. They were only around 10 people in the class and got the best teachers in the entire school. Apart from that they were also given the opportunity to participate in special extracurricular activities that other students in the school didn’t get to do. They basically had less hours of the classes they were good in (like math and physics) and used that time to do fun stuff instead. (No, math teacher, I’m not sorry.)

It may seem unfair that the best students then get the best teachers and special treatment, but I guess I can understand the Principals – You have to take good care of the things that give you fame. Those ten students really gave St. Stephan extra status.

St. Stephan used to be an all-boys (boarding) school, but just recently opened up to girls as well. (Around 17 years ago). Apparently all the rich people of Augsburg sent their sons there, and a lot of the former students later have become pretty prominent people. (Politicians, lawyers, musicians etc.). Although the school is now owned by the state, (who doesn’t spend a whole lot of money on the school btw…. ) the abbey of St. Stephan still works with the school – many of the monks are teachers there. My physics teacher, for example, is a monk. They’re all really nice and pretty cool, actually. At first it was soooo weird, being taught by an elderly man in a long black robe, and seeing monks walking up and down the halls, but funnily enough it’s almost become normal to me now – the school would not be the same without them at all.

St. Stephan is a Catholic school, which is pretty clear especially because of the monks. But that’s not the only thing. Every morning we (or the catholic students, that is) turn to a mini crucifix Jesus on the wall by the door and say a prayer. (Often times followed by a little bow). Being a protestant and coming from a country where Christianity is encouraged, yes, but rather hidden in the schools, this was totally absurd for me in the beginning, and it’s still a bit weird to me, but I’m glad that religion is also a part of the education here. (I know, I know, it’s obligatory education for a year or something in Denmark, but here it’s actually a pretty big part of their entire school life.)

The evangelical people aren’t totally left out here, though. Every grade has one class for the evangelical students (I think we’re 14 students in my year out of around 100), and there’s also the possibility to choose the class ”Ethics”. (Only one guy in my year has it, though, so he just get’s a period off whilst we have religion)).

View of my school from outside, that's the hallway between Neubau (New building) and Altbau (Old building).

View of my school from outside, that’s the hallway between Neubau (New building) and Altbau (Old building).

Anyway, hope my school doesn’t sound as boring as it looks (sorry, school – but as I said, apparently the state doesn’t really spend a lot of money of the building + interior), I actually like it more than I thought I would and I’m looking forward for you guys to meet again.

Have a great weekend!

Love, Bianca

The Andechs Abbey

A couple of weeks ago, during the Christmas vacation, my host family and I took a trip to an abbey close to Augsburg. My host family loves going there, cause you have to climb this mountain (45 minutes!) in order to get to the top where the abbey is. What makes this hike worth it, is the amazing food they serve up there. The Andechs is located right beside the Ammersee, this big lake. They don’t have a lot of ocean down here (haha), but people love to go to the lakes in the summer for water skiing and hanging out at the “beach”.



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Being from Denmark, surrounded by water all the time, I really miss the sea. It sounds weird, but water is sort of calming to me, haha. Apparently people in Germany also really enjoy the water, cause all the properties located around the lake (and the Andechs) are some of the most expensive in this area.


Flood measure thingyyy … And the seeeeaaa



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Even though I don’t particularly like hiking and stuff, it was actually really nice. The weather was beautiful and the food really was delicious. My host dad and sisters and I ordered Schweinebraten and my host mom had Weißwurst (a special Bavarian white hotdog). The whole place seemed like one of those old pubs that you see in the movies. It was really cosy.


Eating in the Andechs




HUGE Breze (Pretzel)

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Besides eating there, we also checked out the Abbey itself. They told me that most of churches in Augsburg were just as beautiful before the 2. world war, but after the bombings, most of it was ruined. A lot of places in the forests you can still see big craters from the bombs.


Inside the Abbey

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In the evening we also took a walk in our local forest (7 Tables forest), and visited this little cafe. It was sooooo cosy, with fairy lights hanging in the trees and a camp fire and little wooden benches. We drank hot chocolate and enjoyed the evening. They said there are normally live bands there in the summer time. I’m looking forward to it! 😀


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Hope you guys had a great day!

Love, Bianca xx


The view from the mountain – It’s even possible to see the Alps in the distance


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Sleepover and FCA victory!


The random FCA fan , whom I ended up taking a real selfie with :')

Hey guys!


This past week I’ve been on fall-break, and it’s been great! I’ve been at a sleep over at my friends house, it was super cozy, although we were waaay out in the country side. We ended up watching a lot of movies (in German!!!),  including Kick Ass 1 and 2 (puuh they’re violent!) and also the German version of Britain’s got talent. (It’s just called “Talent” in Denmark,  but oooh no, that’s not good enough for Germany. Here it’s called “SUPER TALENT”…)




We made pizza and cookies as well! It kinda felt like home :’) Also created a One direction bread.



Selfie with horse, cookies, selfie with cat. Cat is not amused.

Anyway, yesterday I was at my first real football (soccer…) game (with famous players) ever!! (Okay I don’t know how famous they are… But it was at an arena so they’ve gotta be at least semi-famous!) It was Augsburg (FCA) against Mainz.



There were sooo many people there, it was like people were migrating from the city to the stadium! We didn’t have seats, and the people in our block were sooo loud, I couldn’t hear what my host sister next to me was saying. Later I found out it was because we’d gotten tickets in the fan-section,  so I could really experience the German spirit. Gotta say,  it was pretty impressive how they kept on singing all those football songs, but of course they’ve got nothing on us Directioners. 😉


I was randomly taking pictures of everything in the stadium, and of course I also managed to take a lil sneaky selfie. Turns out it wasn’t so sneaky, got photobombed by the guy behind us…


The fans got pretty wild, Augsburg missed a lot of chances as far as i understood,  but they won 2-1 anyway,  which was lucky cause i wouldn’t wanna stand in the fan block of a team who’d just lost… Turns out a lot of people from my class were out there as well, someone even recognized  me in the crowd! (they told me today)



Our view was pretty good until people started climbing the fence in front of us so we couldn’t see. The people behind us got pretty aggressive and ended up throwing beer at the peeps on the fence and pulling them down and stuff… Good thing we’ve got seats for the game against Bayern München next week, I’m thinking the fans are going to get pretty wild  there as well!


FC Augsburg!! Lalalaaaa

It was so fun hearing peoples’ comments in German as well! (Things I’d normally hear at home in danish like: “clean! Clean shot!” And *insults against the referee* were suddenly in german and ohh… :’) it was just so weird)


My guitar also needed new strings, but my host sister and i failed miserably at changing them, but today my neighbor luckily helped me fix it. I’ve never lived with neighbors like this. I love how we’re like this big family that helps each other :’)


Also got another Ex (test) back today… Well it didn’t go very well (to my defense it was a political/historical test about the DDR etc., something they learned about last year or so – it’s common knowledge, anyway, and I never really learned that – but of course it’s all just excuses and it really comes down to how much I’m willing to study and catch up).  People don’t really get how weird/”hard” for me it is to get such bad grades, or why I’m unhappy about it, cause it “doesn’t count/matter” for me anyway. They just don’t understand that I’m taking the whole school thing down here just as seriously as I do at home. A lot of the time though,  I think the “it’s okay, it doesn’t count for you anyway” is meant in a comforting sort of way – and it’s true as well. It’s just so alien.


One thing i don’t really like though, even when it’s said as a joke, is: “It’s so easy for you, if you’ve got something wrong or you’re not paying attention,  you can just say you didn’t understand it.”
Well, yeah, that’s true. But I do really try my best… I don’t really care if they think I’m trying to slack off and be on vacation here, I’m not here to prove to them what I can,  but I do find it sort of insulting… If i really wanted it to be easy for myself,  I wouldn’t have come here in the first place.

So, i guess, as always,  the solution is to study, study, study! 😉

It was real nice to be back in school again (i know *gasp* she likes school), but haha, no, I really mean it’s nice to see all the folks again 😀

Hope ya’ll doing good as well, have a great week!  Love, Bianca xx


Concert in Munich – LaBrassBanda

HEY GUYS!  Hope yall had an awesome Halloween!

So this is a pro pic of them... They dooon't take their shirts of live, tho...

So this is a pro pic of them… They dooon’t take their shirts off live, tho…


I was in Munich last night for a concert wih LaBrassBanda, a Bavarian Folks/brasserie/techno band. People here love them,  they were supposed to represent Germany for the Eurovision last year, and won the audience’s voting round but the jury didn’t think they were good enough for the contest so they choose som blond haired,  big boobed lady who of course, in lack of originality,  didn’t win. (Denmark did, muahahaaha ♥)



Anyway it was a pretty cool experience,  not my usual music style but I’ve gotta say they really got people up on their feet, dancing with each other and they were very talented with their instruments. They all played some sort of trumpet thing, except for the bassist and the drummer.



Well at least they know their fans are there because they really have talent, not because they’re hot. (They’re no one direction). And the lead singer was actually really funny 😀




Anyway,  a pretty cool night,  too bad I didn’t get to trick or treating though!
See ya!
– Bianca xx


Oktoberfest 2013!


Beer house … Who would have known…


So since I live in Bavaria, and only an hour away from Munich, of course my host family and I had to visit the Oktoberfest, or Wiesn, as they all call it. It’s held in Theresienwiese, this huge field, and sooo many people come here every year from all over the world. I saw plenty of drunk Asians, and don’t even get me started on the Americans.

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Man wearing traditional outfit - and backpack!

Man wearing traditional outfit – and backpack!

I don’t really know what I had expected… Maybe a huge party where everyone is dancing and drinking and being noisy and having fun… Well, that WAS a part of it, but most of the area was actually very family-friendly. It was like a gigantic fun park, except everyone was wearing “Trägt”, german traditional clothes (i.e. Lederhosen or a Dirndl). Oh, yeah, and all the beer tents.

One of the four beer glass cleaning stations!

One of the four beer glass cleaning stations!

Me and a car from old Wiesn.

Me and a car from old Wiesn.

One of the beer houses, seen from above. One.

One of the beer tents, seen from above. One.

In the old part of Wiesn, we saw old cars and trains.

In the old part of Wiesn, we saw old cars and trains.

Burnt almonds <3

Burnt almonds ❤ … Or maybe this was cashews… But we bought almonds as well!


Ferris Wheel

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At first I thought the beer tents were houses, because of their size, and the fact that they actually had real, glass windows. But no, no, they were in fact tents, and all stuffed to the rim with beer drinking people. I saw someone waving Swedish flags, and my host family was like: “Ohhh, uuh, they come from around Denmark, right?”. Yeah. But they’re not Danish! We are not the same!!!


The Bavaria statue

The famous twin towers of the city hall of Munich

The famous twin towers of the city hall of Munich

The olympia loops. Super fun!! :D

The olympia loops. Super fun!! 😀

We went scouring for an empty table, which was practically impossible to find, cause nobody wanted to stop drinking! Luckily, though, we managed to catch someone leaving, and we got seats!  Franz bought beer and I was persuaded to pose and taste the beer as well. Beer doesn’t taste better in Germany. Beer still stinks.  😀



Happy Franz

Happy Franz


Me, Franz and beer

Me, Franz and beer

:D Pretending to like beer

😀 Pretending to like beer


Randomly, some people would just stand up on their bench, beer jug in hand, and chug down the beer to a cheering crowd. It was really fun, but mind you, only 11 am in the morning, so I found it a biiiiit sad, but whatever, it’s Oktoberfest, right? (I may have cheered a little…) We ordered lunch, and tried not to get too squished by all the people still searching for empty seats. Man, people were already really drunk! But it was an experience, and the atmosphere was amazing.

Happy american

Happy american

American guy, victorious and filming the cheering crowd

American guy, victorious and filming the cheering crowd from his strap on head-camera – sorry for the bad quality

After lunch we got to wander about on our own, and we visited old Wiesn, a part of the grounds that showed historical monuments and things from back in the day when the tradition began. (Some king got married to a woman named Theresa, that’s where the grounds’ name comes from, and decided to throw a huge party with loads of beer, basically…)  We also tried a lot of the carousels.

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Munich's guardian angel

Munich’s guardian angel

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I saw the medical help people rushing yellow stretchers (know as “Bananas”) through the masses several times during the day. Some people have a little too much fun.

Love this :') German woman eating german pretzels in a german pretzel wagon

Love this :’) German woman eating german pretzels in a german pretzel wagon

Beer house!

Beer tent!

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Eva and I, in traditional hats!

Eva and I, in traditional hats!

Hat, Lisa and I

Hat, Lisa and I

Horsie and I

Horsie and I

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Anyway, great day, great atmosphere, and the weather turned out pretty good as well. I think I’d like to go back again sometime in the future, but maybe with friends in stead of family 😉

Anyway, hope you had a great weekend as well!

Love, Bianca xx

Selfie after the water ride!

Selfie after the water ride!

Number two


So this post is way overdue, and I’m terribly sorry! It was a really great wedding, maybe even better than the last one, I would say. Here’s why:

1. It was at an old Bavarian Hotel/Pub/Guest House type of location, so we got to overnight there.

2. The groom is a rocket scientist, and studied in the USA, so some of his american friends were there, which meant I HAD SOMEONE TO TALK TO!

3. One of the groom’s friends was married to a Chinese woman, so I wasn’t the only Asian person at the wedding!! (Also, I practiced my Chinese skills with her! She’s been in Germany for 12 years, though, so her German is pretty good, but I could still hear the Chinese accent when she was talking to the other guests, which was super cute. I guess it never goes away – Sorry Mama!!)

4. People got a lot more drunk, which was both a plus and a minus – But it was soooo fun to watch! More about that later.

5. Did I mention the Americans??

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Anyway, this wedding was later in the afternoon than the first wedding, so we had plenty of time to get there. My oldest host sister has just gotten her drivers licence (although it’s not  a full licence – since she’s only seventeen she still needs adult supervision in order for it to be legal).  Since we weren’t in a rush, we decided that she should drive us to the bakery in town. (We were bringing the cake to the wedding.)


First time driver – yoloooo (hahaha) No, she was actually not bad!

We managed to make it to the bakery in one piece, and when we stepped in through the door, I swear, it was like stepping into an episode of Cake Boss (looove that show!!). The cake wasn’t nearly as extravagant as the cakes on the show, obviously, but i still think it was pretty cool for a wedding cake. The bride is a math teacher, by the way, and the groom a  rocket scientist as i mentioned earlier.

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The Boss and his helper!! 😀


Cake Boxxx



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The ceremony was held in the cutest little place, and some of their good friends were playing the music and it was all very lovely. The weather was looking rather grey, though, but it held up, and the snacks were pretty good too! (Cheese sticks and three different types of champagne). As I mentioned, the wedding was already awesome before the ceremony, even, because of the infamous three Americans. Two of them had studied with the groom, and one of them had brought his wife as well. They were all pretty cool, and I was so happy to hear a proper American accent, I didn’t even care that they kept on talking about various star-movies (i.e. Star Wars (apparently it never gets old) and the new Star Trek movie). Actually, I can’t really say I was surprised. They were all rocket scientists after all. Maybe I should have paid more attention when my dad and sister fangirled over that stuff. Nah.

One conversation I could join in on, though, was why the director would cast Benedict Cumberbatch in the movie. (Obviously to be all dark and seductive) But according to the wife, apparently he was much less seductive than he could have been. I don’t know. I should really watch the movie. (I can faintly hear my dads and sisters’ cries of joy – but no, this doesn’t mean that I’m joining your fandom!)






Again – soap bubbles, like last time, although in a different bottle. Liked the design from last time better 🙂 These weddings are really giving me ideas, though, haha 😀


Bride walked down a stone path through the grass, accompanied by two “brides maids”.


Lighting the wedding candle. I guess it’s a tradition here? Also, people don’t stand up when the bride walks down the isle! Weird. Oh, and the candle went out btw., because of the wind. We all had a good laugh.

To me, the best part of weddings is really all the happy people. The effort that all the friends and family had put into this occasion was a clear sign of their love for that couple and I just thought it was the nicest thing. And you know how you’d normally cringe when you see adults acting so … Weird, and it’s super embarrassing? Well, I actually found it really really touching, cause in that moment I wanted nothing else than to know I’d some day be that happy, and dance all crazy at my own wedding, surrounded by people I love. Like, most of them had been childhood friends. And now they were here, 20 or so years later, celebrating each others’ happiness. It was really something. (The dancing was awful, though. Really.)

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I mean, look how happy!! This  may be the best picture I’ve taken, ever.

The couple at the first wedding did the whole ballon thing which I found super cute, but this couple had opted for something else: Doves. Yup. It was pretty romantic, although the brides’ dove wouldn’t fly… (videooooo)

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I had Schweinebraten with Kartoffelklöse for dinner! (Typical Bavarian) ….  It was disgusting. I mean, the pig meat was okay, cause it kinda tastes like Stegt Flæsk (Danish traditional meat), but the potato stuff  was just bvaaard. It tasted like artificial potato pudding, which is sad since it’s actually made of good quality german potatoes.  The cake was great though, vanilla cream and fresh strawberries, and the entertainment was Génial. (Pardon, I’m taking french… )


Then the party moved out to a much smaller “drinking house”. It was basically a little house without a door (It’s know to get “hot in there”), and it’s lined with benches. Not for sitting – ooooh no! If you’re like me and you thought we just moved out there for more beer/wine (or in my case, sparkly water, cause you just can’t get proper “Still” water ANYWHERE  here), and a few funny stories about the happy couple, you were wrong! The benches aren’t  for sitting on, they’re for standing and dancing on.


Before the singing began

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People do drink – But that’s not all! It doesn’t matter if you know the person beside you or not, you still link arms with them and sway around round, trying to follow the rhythm of the song, but because everyone is so drunk, we just end up bumping into each other, and it’s so absurd that you can’t help but laugh (if you’re sober, that is. 99 % of  them were drunk, though, and thought they could sing…)

Also, people kept on pouring alcohol into my glass!!


Glorious picture of the groom


Yeah, nope, check again….

Anyway, that was pretty much it for the wedding… My younger host sister and I left the party around midnight… It’s not nearly as fun to party with drunk, older people as one would think….


Have a Great Weekend! Love, Bianca xx

P.S. Yes, that’s right, they drank beer and ate white hotdogs for breakfast… #yologermanswag hahaha


Life update + first wedding (not mine!)


We also watched “The hunger games” In German! The catchphrase “I volunteer as tribute !” Just doesn’t work in German.

Helloooo people! 😀

Wow, feels like a long time since I’ve updated! A lot happened over the weekend: My host family’s relatives got married, it was super cute and pretty! The ceremony was held in a castle (!!!!) and at the party afterwards we all wrote well-wishes on little cards, tied them to helium balloons, and sent them flying up into the sky at the same time! (Instagram Vid here) Eeep, I want that at my wedding too! And floating lanterns, like in Tangled! :’) I mean, let’s just throw a link in here, if you haven’t seen Tangled, i seriously judge you. One of the best movies ever. Can we talk about Maximus? I love him gaah  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


I’m clearly obsessed.


Aaaanyway, here are some pictures from the wedding! Although I felt like an intruder (which i guess I was, considering the fact that I’d never even met the bride and groom before) it was really nice, but I think the bride found it kinda weird that I kept on taking so many pictures… Ah well, you know, it’s my thing so… Enjoy!

Oh, btw. my host mother said that it was a tradition for the guests to wear Dirndls and Lederhosen to weddings, but we were the ONLY ones wearing them!!! It felt awkward in the beginning, but whatever, we looked fabulous!


The castle

The castle


The ceremonial room


The groom works for BMW so they had this really awesome car!!


They were requested to light a special wedding candle, and were gifted to apples from the owners of the castle… Fab presents….

Bride and Groom exit the Castle, all the guest blowing soap bubbles :D

Bride and Groom exit the Castle, all the guest blowing soap bubbles 😀


Awww, happy friends :’)


The asian guy though :’)


Eva and her grandmother! She was soo sweet!


Franz in a good old pair of lederhosen!


Prettyyy ❤

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Eva and I 😀

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Cutest lil’ kids helping the bride with her veil…



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Host mom 😀


I definitely ate too much cake…


Whoops… spelled “voller” wrong … hoho

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I’ve been in the school for nearly a week now, it feels like much longer! The classes are all in German, of course, except english (which i love because I can finally roll, i never knew how much i missed talking. And my  english teacher is super nice!), but it’s not as hard as i imagined it would be.  I understand the theme, the whole, but when the teacher asks specific questions to the whole subject i get kinda confused, especially in math. My dad was so sweet as to actually scan my entire math formula book, though, and send it to me. Thanks!! 😀

People are starting to warm, I’m getting to know more and more of the people and especially more and more about the people, they really gossip a lot, haha!

Yesterday I was going to cook a traditional danish meal for my host family (stegt flæsk med persillesovs) but they don’t sell the pork slices (flæsk i skiver) here!! Horrible. Anyway, ended up making meatballs with potatoes and parsley sauce, it turned out okay, and they all said they liked it….

Tomorrow i’ll be taking my first guitar lesson, excited! Also, I’m learning french in school, how weird is that?! Learning a new language through another new language… It’s pretty fun though. Oui, oui!


Some kind of special potato noodles? They taste better than they look.


I’m actually supposed to be doing more math right now but… Nah… Actually, when you think about it, the grades I’ll be getting won’t matter at all, cause i can’t use them in Denmark, which might make this whole year seem pointless, but don’t worry, I won’t be flunking anything! I’m still asian after all.

Anyway, I’ll probably end this waaay to long post now, sorry about that, I’ll try to update more regularly so the posts wont get this long! Here are some final pictures from my skype session with my family last night! It was hilarious, haven’t laughed like that in ages! :’) Love ya’ll!!

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(Still laughing!!)

Byeeee xxx